Peace, Purity and Freedom

Saturday 15 June 2024

Hasanistan broadcasting company rebranded; new YouTube channel established

The Hasanistan Radio and Television Organisation will be rebranded as the "Hasanistan Today and Tomorrow Network". A new YouTube channel has also been opened for the now-renamed Hasanistan Today and Tomorrow Network in hopes of spreading the audience of broadcasting by Hasanistan Today. It is planned that initially old footage and broadcasting content shall be published on the channel.

The YouTube channel can be accessed here.

The placeholder logo of the rebranded broadcaster.


Thursday 30 May 2024

Inactive political parties deregistered; new regulations for parties planned

The Hasanistani government has deregistered four political parties and will consider them defunct. The parties to be deregistered shall be the Pirate Party, the Feudalist Party, the Moralist Party and the Eniakist Party. The Hasanistani government plans in the future to require parties to register yearly with a government register and have a minimum of two or three members to continue functioning and be able to contest elections as organisations, with currently-existing parties potentially being exempt from the rules regarding members.


Saturday 25 May 2024

Başbuğ criticises video game shutdowns

Başbuğ Hasan Çakar has issued a statement regarding the controversy of online video games being closed without any support for continued offline or community-run play and the removal of the right of players to enjoy them after they are closed. The controversy recently erupted after the servers of the 2014 racing game "The Crew" were shutdown and publisher Ubisoft began revoking licenses bought by players and removing it from player's digital library. A campaign known as "Stop Killing Games" has gained traction, petitioning governments in Australia, Britain, Canada and the European Union to act. Japan already has a law that refunds customers if a video game is taken down.

The Başbuğ's statement, vowing action and voicing support for stopping the practice, was as follows:

"Corrupt game corporations are removing our right to play video games. The fat cats of EA and Ubisoft should stop removing access to games and revoking them from libraries without any reason for products people bought with their hard-earned money. It is removing access to an experience of significant cultural and artistic value. While people may not regard it as so, removing access to a video game is like removing the ability for people to see a film or a piece of art work. Developers either need to provide gamers with support for offline play after they shutdown servers or fully refund us. I will do something about this in Hasanistan and support initiatives in other countries to stop this."


Tuesday 2 April 2024

Hasanistan to organise 2024 census

The local government of Hasanistan is planning to hold a census on subjects of the Great Turan State and residents, counting the total amount and collecting relevant information on their demographics. It is believed the census will be held in preparation for potential local elections and general elections, which the Hasanistani government has expressed interest in holding this year. The last census was held in 2021, the results of which can be read here.


Friday 29 March 2024

Hasanistan leader issues statement on Gaza conflict and other recent events

The Leader of Hasanistan and Başbuğ Hasan Çakar has issued a statement on the recent phase of fighting between Israeli and Palestinian forces since October last year. In the statement, Çakar called for peace, a permanent ceasefire, the delivering of aid to and opposing the ethnic cleansing of blockaded Gazans, release of prisoners on both sides and condemning "excessive tactics" of Israeli forces referring to the bombing campaigns of the Israeli Air Force, which have been regarded as causing high civilian casualties by many international aid agencies. He also opposed any expansion of the war into Lebanon and Yemen. He stated he believed Israel had "genocidal intent" in Gaza.

The recent phase of fighting between Israel and Palestinian forces, led Hamas but also including other groups, has caused the deaths of nearly half a million Palestinians (largely civilian women and children according to some estimates) and a thousand Israelis.

He also addressed the recent terrorist attack in Russia and the Baltimore Bridge collapse, issuing condolences.

The statement reads as follows:

"The current phase of fighting within the Gaza Strip after the Israeli military offensive, which occured following the border incursion by Hamas, are causing large-scale suffering and instability in the wider region and even the world. We express sympathy with anyone suffering in the conflict, condemn violence and oppose extremism. There must be a permanent ceasefire and adequate humanitarian aid to the besieged people of Gaza, allowing a return to the peace process. The excessive tactics of Israeli forces are especially concerning due to the amount of collateral damage it is causing. We also oppose any attempt at ethnic cleansing of the Gaza Strip and their permanent displacement. Civilian prisoners from Israel held by Palestinian forces and Palestinian prisoners who are being held without just reason by Israel must be freed, especially women and children. The war should also not expand into Lebanon and Yemen, further destabilising these other fragile countries.

The international community must play a greater role in pushing for an end of the conflict. The sale of weapons fueling this conflict must end, especially from actors such as the United States, France and India. Alleged war crimes from both sides must be investigated by reputable international organisations like the ICJ, OSCE, UN and the Turkic Council. Hasanistan supports the ICJ in its role in deliberating the case "South Africa v Israel" for violations of the Genocide Convention. In my view, the actions and rhetoric of Israel have constituted genocidal intent against the Palestinians.

I reiterate the position of the Hasanistani government in 2021 on the Israel-Palestinian conflict generally, we support a realistic end of the conflict which can only occur if the Israeli illegal (per international law) occupation and settlements in the West Bank, the blockade of Gaza and violations of the sanctity of Mesjid-i Aqsa end. We believe the Israeli government should also de-commission their nuclear weapons, end illegal and racist espionage activities by Mossad and distance themselves from radical groups like fundamentalist Kahanists and Sternists. 

I also wish to express condolences to victims of the recent terrorist attack by Daesh in Moscow, Russia and the bridge collapse in Baltimore."

Note: Due to the sensitive nature of the conflict, some internet organisations have adopted censorious attitudes especially to those who are perceived to be anti-Israel and accuse them of racism and misinformation. The statement of Hasanistani public figures and publications of the Batyr Times only report on what has been reported by well-respected Western news agencies. Statements in quotes are neither endorsed or condemned by the Batyr Times as a publication.


About us

Hasanistan, officially the Federal Republic of Hasanistan (Hasani: Hasanistan Federal Jumhuriyeti), is a self-proclaimed state with territorial claims situated across the Greater Middle East region. Hasanistan has been described as a micronation or an alternative government by external observers due to its lack of international recognition and the minimal control over the regions it holds territorial claims upon.

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